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Below are a range of testimonials to the success of our students and school community.

“The best example of Immersion Education in Victoria”

Professor Peter Dawkins

Secretary, Department of Education and Early Childhood Development

“…If I close my eyes for a moment, I feel I am in Japan…” “Please allow me to commend the contribution that the school is making to increase knowledge and understanding between our two countries.” May 2008

His Excellency Mr Takaaki Kojima

Ambassador of Japan

“…our sincere thanks for your great support extended to the 9th Japan Festival as a performer. We received such a great response from the people who attended the Japan Festival 2008. Without your support, the Festival would not have been successful.” May 2008

Keiko Davies

Japan Festival Organising Committee, Japan Club Of Victoria

“… I was struck by the extent to which these young people were confident and very comfortable in using two languages and was convinced that their education was being benefited by the fact that this school was bilingual. Parents have sought out this school for that reason too…” Adjournment speech given to Parliament on schools in Victoria, 15 June 2004.

Senator Lyn Allison

Leader, Australian Democrats

“…I was highly impressed and would like to congratulate your staff on a vigorous and top-quality programme that compares well with the best of its kind in the world. …I am delighted that [primary school education in Japanese] has achieved such a high level of perfection.” 2003

Professor J. V. Neustupny

Professor of Applied Japanese Linguistics, Obirin University, Tokyo

“…I did want to thank you for the…demonstration of great teaching and learning you provided… The [Japanese] teachers do find your Immersion Programme fascinating…[They] were full of praise for all they saw and experienced…”

Dr Libby Tudball

Academic Co-ordinator, AJF Programme, Monash University

“…I would like to congratulate the students, staff and parents on your wonderful musical…The students’ use of Japanese was excellent….Congratulations on…the sustained high level of teaching, learning and performance of Huntingdale Primary Bilingual School.”

Anne de Kretser

Director, Melbourne Centre for Japanese Language Education, Monash University

“I would like to add my voice of support to the continuation of the excellent Japanese Bilingual Programme at Huntingdale Primary School. The Programme is greatly appreciated by the Japanese Community in Melbourne…I was very impressed by the standard of the students language skills…The standard of fluency and pronunciation of the students’ delivery was well above what I would have expected…”

Katsunori Ashida

Director, Japan Information and Cultural Centre, Consulate General of Japan

“Very impressive. To see is to believe”. Aug 2007

Professor Ikuo Kawakami

Waseda University

Our unique and innovative programs attract visitors from schools and Departments in Melbourne, nationally and internationally. These visitors include-


  • The Boards of Education of Fukushima Prefecture, Japan
  • China SY Education Bureau
  • Members of the Department of Education of South Australia
  • Academics from Chiba University, Kanda University, Himeji University, Aichi Sykutoku University, Kyushu Sangyo University, Kobe University, Gakushuin Women’s University, Nagoya Women’s University, Shiga University, Kanazawa University, Waseda University, Obirin University, Osaka University, Keio University, Otsuma University and San Francisco State University.
  • The Ambassador of Japan, Mr Takaashi Kojima
  • The Consul General of Japan in Melbourne,
  • Mrs Clare O’Neil federal Member for Hotham
  • Mr Steve Dimopoulos, State member for Oakleigh
  • Academics from Melbourne University and Monash University