Sport & Physical Education

The Sport and Physical Education Program at Huntingdale promotes early success, participation and engagement in a range of physical activities that lead to continued physical activity throughout the years of schooling and beyond.

Foundation to Year 2 focuses on the development of the eleven fundamental motor skills and this includes gymnastics, dance, athletics, ball handling, physical fitness, sport education and outdoor adventure.

Years 3 to 6 further develop the fundamental motor skills through a greater focus on team sports. In addition to the one hour PE lesson, all students participate in a two hour per week team sport session conducted by specialist PE teachers within the school. Years 3/4 and 5/6 sport is based on small sided games to increase participation. Years 3/4 and 5/6 sport is one of the main ways in which our Student Wellbeing Program is brought to life at HPS with post game reflections focusing on our school values and norms.

Whole school events include our swimming program, gala days, annual adventure camp for Years 3 to 6 and community events such as district athletics, cross country, swimming and our traditional Japanese sports family evening.


Bilingual Adventure Camp

Every year our Year 3 to 6 students attend a three day adventure camp alternating between Camp Rumbug and Waratah Bay. Activities are conducted in English and Japanese with both English speaking and Japanese speaking staff attending. It is a time to develop strong team building activities and many activities are led by our student leaders.