Huntingdale News
Issue No 21 - 17 December 2014
Grange St. South Oakleigh VIC 3167
Phone 9544 2318 Fax 9544 1521

From the staff at Huntingdale PS
Merry Christmas.
See you on 30th January 2015
Principal Report
It is with great pleasure that I write the final newsletter for the 2014 school year. It has been a year filled with so many successes and developments that I am sure I will not do jus- tice to all that has occurred across the year, but I will pay tribute to a number of significant events in this newsletter. I must begin by say- ing a big congratulations to the children for the hard work they have done in ensuring they use good manners when interacting with one an- other around the school. I know firsthand the significant difference this has made at the front office. I look forward to hearing all of these lovely manners again in 2015.
First and foremost the children have show- cased the outstanding work they have done across the year at events such as the successful School Play at Robert Blackwood Hall, Christ- mas Concert last Thursday, Assemblies and external performances which have included Violin, Choir, Taiko, Keyboard and other class based performances. Participation in Camp, JMSS Little Scientists presentations, Science Extension Program (SEP), Interschool Sport, District, Division and State Athletics and Cross Country, MAT Program, Swimming, Seasons for Growth, Chess, Lunchtime Soccer Tourna- ments, Court Yard Games, H&PE week, Open Days and Nights and many other opportunities.
This is all above and beyond the day to day classroom learning experience whereby our teaching staff strive to provide a highly differentiated curriculum for each of our children. The level of consistency with teaching Read- ing across the school is something we are very proud of and the children’s excellent results are testament to this. Thank you to all of our staff who support teaching and learning day by day irrespective of their role. We will miss those staff who are moving to other schools, towards retirement or taking a well-earned break but know you will cherish the opportunities this next stage of your life will bring. In 2015 we will continue our focus on Writing and Student Wellbeing as we create more consistent practices across the school which will enhance student outcomes. I thank both our gorgeous children for creating the spark that makes our school come to life each day and the teachers for the outstanding work they take such pride in.
I thank the thriving School Council, ably led by Stuart Macphee, who have organised the 60th Anniversary, Mosaic Wall and She Oak forest, reinstated the Japan Trip with 20 students and 4 teachers jetting off next year amongst the continuing improvements to our Buildings & Grounds and the background work on add- ing a more professional touch to our corre- spondence and branding. I hope you as parents and guardians have en- joyed sharing, learning and celebrating with us through School Council, Parent Reps, Infor- mation Nights, Open Nights, Shioya visitors and home stay, Open classrooms and a per- sonal highlight being the ICU weeks where we have had parents come and sing, dance, cook and share their backgrounds with us amongst other opportunities across the year.
For the Year 6 children, who are moving onto ‘bigger and better things’ at the range of Sec- ondary Colleges, we wish you all the best. Erica, Riel, Emily, Juliette, Eshwar, Xander, Athenie, Emma, Ruby, Jessica, Hannah, Riki, Indigo, Sarah, Ethan, Hiyoshi, Eleanor, Bobby, Hanami, Matthew, Dylan, Ashley, Charlie, Ni- cole, Daiki, Elisha, Mia, Samuella, Marion, Eri- ka, Kyle, Stacie you have been stellar examples of what school leaders should be; you have been humble in your roles right the way through to the end of Term 4 which is a true testament to you and the values you hold dear. The captains have led their respective areas beautifully and I am sure you will have enjoyed imparting your words of wisdom onto your predecessors. The tone of any school is set by the Year 6 students and we have had such a lovely year with you all at the helm. For those families that are moving overseas, interstate or further afield I wish you well with the journey ahead.
2015 Staffing
It has been lovely to have so many staff mem- bers involved in the various panels across this term to select our staff for 2015. Team Hun- tingdale has really gone from strength to strength this year and there have been many processes streamlined over the last six months that will undoubtedly ensure our students have even better educational outcomes in the year to come. I would like to take the time to thank Miss Ruth Biddle who has been instrumental in seeing our school and processes through fresh eyes these past six months and I know our school is in good hands with you on our Princi- pal class team.
We welcome to our team Miss Emma Lock- wood who joins us from her most recent uni- versity placement at Black Rock PS where she also worked in a Year 2 class. She will bring great enthusiasm and kindness to the children in 2L and I am sure you will all make her feel most welcome. We welcome Mrs Mariko Hio- ki-Walker (Hioki sensei) to the team who will replace Miss Yukiko Shoya for the 2015 school year. Mariko is very familiar with our school context having volunteered for a number of years as a parent volunteer. We also welcome Mr Tadashi Hanazono to our specialist Nihongo team. He will take both Year 5/6 music classes and also work with our Taiko drumming group. We are very privileged to have him on staff to ensure we continue to hear the beat of our drums throughout next year! We have also appointed teaching assistants to support our children on the Program for Student with a Dis- ability (PSD). We have secured Wakana Karchnak and Mayumi Cake for an extended duration and we know they will continue to work to support our children across the school.
I also have great delight in announcing our fi- nalised teaching teams for 2015 and room allo- cations. All of the children would have met their teacher and found out their new room on Monday at Walk Up. It is certainly an exciting time although some nerves and apprehension can also surround this time. The staff have been completing the “2015 Proactive Chal- lenge” whereby they have been ‘dropping in’ to each of the current classes of their soon to be children to get to know those who will be coming up to them next year. We have also completed the handovers for the relevant chil- dren linked into the Student Support network to ensure as successful a transition as possible. As you read below please note the new termi- nology around the Prep classes. As part of the Australian Curriculum they have changed the first year of schooling from Prep (Preparation) to Foundation and the class listings below will reflect this change.
Parent Reps
A reminder that anyone who had intended to complete the survey to provide input into our forward direction please do so before the 18th of December at:
This is the last newsletter I will write as Miss Kate Spithill. Next year I will return as Mrs Kate Gray, this will hopefully alleviate the Miss Spithill/Miss Biddle confusion that has reigned since Ruth’s appointment in the middle of this year. All of the children have made a paper crane over the past week for me to have as decorations on my wedding day. I thank them for their contribution and am so glad that they will be able to be part of this special day. If you are around on the 28th of December feel free to bring the children along to St Dom’s in Camberwell at 2.30pm to share in the celebra- tions- the more the merrier!
Have a Merry Christmas everyone and see you all in the New Year!
Kate Spithill
Classroom Teacher – English |
sensei – Nihongo |
2015 Room |
2014 Room |
FM |
Mrs Olivia McAlpine |
Mrs Naomi Mori-Hanazono |
Room 3 |
PF |
FP |
Mrs Maria Perrella |
Mrs Naomi Mori-Hanazono |
Room 1 |
PP |
FW |
Mrs Alyson Wakley |
Mrs Naomi Mori-Hanazono |
Room 2 |
PW |
1L |
Miss Linda Ooi |
Mr Eiji Nishikubo |
Room 6 |
1L |
1M |
Mrs Maria Mathews |
Mr Eiji Nishikubo |
Room 4 |
1M |
1T |
Mrs Soo Lee Tan |
Mr Eiji Nishikubo |
Room 5 |
1T |
2L |
Miss Emma Lockwood |
Mrs Tomoko Smith |
Portable |
2P |
2P |
Miss Kim Philpott |
Mrs Hioki-Walker |
Portable |
5/6T |
2W |
Miss Rebecca Wood |
Mrs Hioki-Walker |
Portable |
2W |
3/4E |
Miss Erin Emes |
Mrs Keiko Harada |
Portable |
3H |
3/4H |
Mr Brett Herskope |
Mrs Hioki-Walker |
Portable |
5/6V |
3/4 M |
Mr Peter Magart |
Mrs Keiko Harada |
Portable |
3/4M |
5/6T |
Mr Nicholas Tolliday |
Mrs Keiko Harada |
Portable |
Oval end New Portable |
5/6V |
Miss Manon van Pagee |
Mrs Keiko Harada |
Portable |
Hall end New Portable |
Assistant Principal’s News
It’s a time to celebrate! It’s almost the end of the school year! Miss Spithill has detailed the many things to celebrate at Huntingdale this year and there are so many!
Last Wednesday, I had the privilege of visiting 1T to partake in their celebration of writing. Writing is one of my favourite subjects to teach and it was fantastic to see the joy in our Year 1’s as they shared their writing. It was terrific to see so many parents attend and I especially loved reading their responses on ‘Why I Love Writing’ and also watching their video on the writing process.
On Thursday night, it was a wonderful night celebrating the performances of our children at our annual Christmas Concert, and gather- ing as a community to enjoy the festive sea- son. The students and teachers have worked really hard to rehearse for the evening and the night went off beautifully. Well done every- one!
On Monday morning it was lovely to see the Preps completing their final Skype session with the Izumi Kindergarten in Japan. Through Mrs Naomi Mori-Hanazono’s leadership she insti- gated this partnership with Izumi Kindergar- ten. Both schools read the book ‘Flat Stanley’. Children from each school created their own ‘Flat Stanley’ which was sent to the other school. They then were returned to the school with letters and photos.
They also used Skype sessions to show their ‘Flat Stanley’ in the other school! It has been a unique and interesting experience for our Prep children to partake in. On Monday afternoon I visited 5/6V and 5/6T to listen to the students read and recite the poems they have been writing this term. All I can say is that our 5/6’s are a talented bunch. The creativity their poetry showed was abso- lutely amazing! Thank you to all of the par- ents who attended, the afternoon tea was delicious as well!
Friday December 19 is our final day of school for 2014. We will finish at 1.30pm. The City of Monash have informed us that crossing su- pervisors will not be on duty at 1.30pm. Chil- dren are asked to be very careful crossing the roads when leaving the school on this day. I’d like to take this opportunity to say thank you to the Huntingdale community for making me feel so welcome since starting in Term Two. It is never easy starting a new position and knowing no one, but you have made the transition a smooth one! I wish all families a safe and happy festive sea- son. Take time to enjoy each other’s company and have a well-earned rest! I look forward to seeing you all in Term One 2015.
Merry Christmas!
Ruth Biddle
Nihongo News
Jenny’s Chat room
There are many right now, who are facing certain chal- lenges that threaten their ability to be patient, under- standing or to cope with eve- ryday life. In the current climate many have lost loved ones through divorce, separation or death and it’s made worse by Christmas being a happy family time of the year. There are those who are facing challenges that threaten their very existence through home- lessness, employment insecurity or debili- tating or fatal illness. However, there are many whose challenges may not be as big, but could be equally debilitating: living with obnoxious teens, living beside a problematic neighbour, working with an impossible boss, or always having to make both ends meet from pay check to pay check. In the midst of big or small challenges, often our tendency is to panic, fret, or get frantic. We have no idea why people behave as they do but we need to be mindful of others and attempt to jour- ney with them or just ‘treat them as we would like to be treated.’ Remember!
A gentle response defuses anger…“You never really know a man/woman until you understand things from their point of view, until you climb into his skin and walk around in it. ”Lee, Harper. To Kill a Mockingbird. J.B. Lippincott & Co., 1960 A gentle reminder to love others as you love yourself! Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays and the very best for the New Year to come
Jenny Celle